"Gowalla"is an app that introduces new way to keep up with an user's friends in the real world.
Active User
User Social Connection
degrees of cluster groups
This visualization is designed to help Gowalla APP understand user activities and identify key influencers, providing valuable insights to inform business initiatives.
Original Data: The undirected friendship network graph consists of 196,591 nodes and 950,327 edges. There are total 6,442,890 check-ins over period of Feb. 2009 - Oct. 2010 and clustering coefficient of 0.2367. Sample data: Processed data and extracted 100 sample users data with 0.4891 clustering coefficient.
Scene Description changes by each scene:
The social network force-directed graph visualizes user behaviors and connections.
The graph dynamically updates as you drag nodes, making it easy to see relationships and interactions.
This visualization offers an intuitive and interactive way to understand the social structure and key
influencers within the network, helping identify patterns and insights about user interactions and engagement.
Explore more using filters, clustering buttons, dragging a node and clicking on nodes, and resetting the graph as needed.